Roydon Frost: Controversial issues , Roles of men and women
Bishop Martin Morrison: Controversial issues, LGBQT
Bishop Martin Morrison: Controversial issues , Abortion
Bishop Martin Morrison: Controversial issues , The Intolerance of tolerance
John Piper – Why God allows Satan to live.
John Piper – How to love Jesus more than anything.
Is Tolerance a Christian virtue
Ravi Zacharias – Atheism, Feminism and the Bible
Ravi Zacharias – A Christian view of homosexuality
Jesus is the Fulfilment of Messianic Prophesies
Joel Brooks on The Death of Moses
Albert Mohler, God’s design for Male and Female
Nabeel Qureshi, A Mulim’s testimony.
The Christian and Art, very interesting talk.
Ravi Zacharias, Why doesn’t God stop evil ? Excellent
CS Lewis : Screwtape Letter doodle
RC Sproul Justification by Faith alone. A must watch!
Interview with Jim Caviezel who played Jesus in the film “The Passion of Christ” , a must watch!
John Piper sermon on Christian suffering. Excellent !
RC Sproul Excellent exposition on The Trinity.
RC Sproul The End and Purpose of the World
Alistair Begg Is the exclusivity of Jesus Christ unjust?
John Piper. Where to stand when all is shaking.
Alistair Begg My Help comes from the Lord. Psalm 121
Alistair Begg Is the exclusivity of Jesus unjust
Alistair Begg on being Chosen by God
Alistair Begg Believing means Behaving
Alistair Begg The Glory of God in Marriage
Alistair Begg Bad men weak women
Alistair Begg What if its True ?
Allistair Begg When Trials come part 1
Allistair Begg When trials come part 2
Allistair Begg On seeking Wisdom. James ch 1
Allistair Begg on riches , James ch 1
Allistair Begg on the tongue. James ch 3
RC Sproul Lazarus and the rich man. A MUST WATCH!
RC Sproul parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
RC Sproul Parable of the 10 virgins.
RC Sproul Parable of the Talents
RC Sproul Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
RC Sproul’s last sermon: A Great Salvation
Allistair Begg Saying “NO”no to the old self
Allistair Begg Itroduction to Ephesians
Allistair Begg Eph 1 Chosen in Him/Predestination
Allistair Begg Eph 1 The Riches of His Grace part 1
Allistair Begg Eph 1 The Riches of His Grace part 2
Allistair Begg The Eyes of your Heart part 1
Allistair Begg The Eyes of your Heart part 2
Allistair Begg In Christ ( a MUST watch!)
Allistair Begg. Be Strong, Stand Firm!
Allistair Begg, Taming the Tongue