Outreach & Missions

You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth” – Acts chapter 1 verse 8b

In accordance with the Lord’s instructions, MCC focuses its outreach on local, national and international organisations and missions.


(i) Centre of Hope

We provide the “Centre of Hope”, an organistion which provides spiritual and physical support for the poor of Montagu, with soup in winter and bread, rolls and polony in summer. MCC also provides appropriate support for the organisation’s annual Christmas Party.

In addition, through “Centre of Hope” the church provides sandwiches and cold-drinks to children who have to be at the local magistrates court to give evidence and are often waiting for long periods to be called.

(ii) ACVV (Afrikaanse Christelike Vroue Vereeniging)

The ACVV, established in 1904, is the oldest welfare organisation in South Africa. It renders comprehensive social welfare services in many towns and cities and has offices in Montagu and Ashton. MCC actually utilises the ACVV building facilities in Montagu for church and related services.

The work of the ACVV is partly funded by private and public resources and the Montagu Community Church provides an annual rental for the use of the hall on Sundays and makes both a monthly cash donation and the income from specific offerings towards its work.

(iii) MCC food outreach

MCC members donate appropriate foodstuff and other necessities to a member who distributes these items to deserving families and individuals.

(iv) Distribution of school-wear

MCC has been blessed with donations of second-hand school clothing from some Cape Town Southern suburbs schools and directs these to needy farm schools in the area

(vi) Prison Ministry

MCC provides financial support for a prison ministry which works in the Boland areas.